
Garage Floor Tiles | Manufacturers | Pricing

Today I thought I'd just show you a bunch of different types of garage floor tiles that are out there so you can determine which is the best fit for you. And remember, installing garage floor tiles is much much easier than epoxy garage flooring or any other garage floor covering or garage floor paint. It can be installed in as little as a couple of hours and can really transform your floor, making it look brand new.

Now, I've got to tell you that I don't personally endorse any of these products. While I am sure they are all built well, some may be better than others (I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest the product that is by far cheaper than all of the others will not last the longest). Please purchase any of these products at your own risk and speak to the manufacturers or the Home Depot, Lowe's, Ace Hardware, Wal-Mart, or other store representative while you are there purchasing.

The image below shows the different brands of Swisstrax brand floor tiles. They must be decent, because Jay Leno was on the website endorsing them!

RaceDeck garage floor tiles get the award for the best photograph depicting their product (this picture comes from their website). I think they are trying to imply that if you put in the garage floor you'll get the car.

Sam's Club didn't really have a respectable picture (again, you are getting what you paid for) but I wanted to mention that they did have garage floor tiles for sale at their store. They look pretty tepid compared to the floor option shown above. But if you are looking for lower price versus better performance, it wouldn't be a bad place to look.

Next, and finally, we have DinoTile, which appears to be a higher end product like the first two. As you can see from the picture (also borrowed from the DinoTile website) DinoTile products have made an appearance on at least one of the shows on HGTV. I don't know if manufacturers can pay for product placement on HGTV's shows, so it's hard to know if they picked the DinoTile because it was the best product or because it was a paid for product placement. In any event, the website looks nice, and the product is probably pretty good too.

When you are out looking for the garage flooring that best fits your style, remember that although price is a big factor, craftsmanship and durability are almost equally important. What's the point of buying the cheap stuff if you are going to have to replace it in a year, right?

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